1st Floor, 19-20 Cornhill, Lincoln LN5 7HB
1st Floor, 19-20 Cornhill, Lincoln LN5 7HB
Quality Score is made up from three components;
AdWords takes this data and assigns a score from 1 to 10, to your ad. 1 being the worst and 10 being the best it can be.
Put simply; Google uses quality score to make sure that its users are constantly receiving relevant information. As advertisers, we can also use this to our advantage. By having a high quality score, not only are we decreasing our ad spend but we are only appearing on relevant searches. The more relevant your ad/landing page, the more likely the user is to convert/need your services.
Ideally, you want the highest quality score possible and although not guaranteed, there are a few things you can consider to help improve your score.
Search Team | Distract
Distract’s Search team use their industry expertise to not only get value for money for clients, but deliver in terms of highly-targeted and converting campaigns too. Their combination of SEO knowledge and analytical skills raise them above the competition.
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