Everything you ever wanted to know about PPC

From Ad Extensions to auctions, Data Studio to Dynamic Ads, our PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising team share their insights and expert knowledge.

The Ultimate Guide to Crafting High-Performing PPC Campaigns

Creating high-performing PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns can be a game-changer for your business. But how do you ensure your campaigns hit the mark?

Pitfalls to Avoid When Measuring Your Success

Sometimes, measuring your success can be disheartening, especially when you’re not seeing the results you want to see immediately. Oftentimes, playing the long game with your marketing strategy can lead to long-lasting success. Let’s explore a few common pitfalls to avoid when measuring success.

How Do You Stand Out in the Crowd?

As more and more businesses and brands move to the online space, it’s becoming much harder to stand out from the crowd. In such a competitive space, you may find yourself getting bogged down and constantly worrying about staying on top. From TikTok marketing to competitor bidding, we’ll talk you through the best ways to stand out from the crowd.

Traditional vs Digital Marketing

Traditional marketing has been around for decades, and more recently, the emergence of digital marketing is thriving in today’s technology-led society. Over the years, marketing has become one of the world’s largest industries, especially with the introduction of radio, TVs, the internet and phones. You’ll rarely go a day without running into an ad in this day and age, whether you’re walking, driving or scrolling through your phone.  Let’s explore the pros and cons of each strategy.

How to integrate SEO within your Paid Search Strategy

SEO and paid search are often pitted against each other, and the debate around which is better has been raging for many years. SEO, when done well, provides sustainable results in the long term but is often perceived as too slow. In contrast, paid search offers quick, highly-targeted results but is complex to master. Let’s delve a little deeper into why SEO and paid search work best when integrated.

Can TikTok Marketing Really Supercharge your Business Success?

TikTok marketing has been around for some time, and many businesses have reaped the rewards, increasing their brand awareness. But fear not; adding TikTok to your digital marketing strategy is not too late. Here we take a look at how we can use TikTok for both B2C and B2B to supercharge your business success.

Marketing Year in Review 2022

2022 has undoubtedly seen many new digital marketing trends, which the team at Distract have tried and tested and are now common practice for many of our members. Staying on top of digital marketing trends is how we continue to provide our clients with the best results, growth and strategies.  We’ve compiled a list of the top digital marketing trends from 2022, and we’ll also look forwards to the trends we expect to see in 2023.

How to Navigate Reporting With Tighter Tracking Restrictions

Advertising platforms over the past year have been clamping down on user privacy, which has really affected how marketers collect and analyse user data. How can marketers beat the changes? 

What Are the Benefits of Repurposing Content?

Everyone knows how important good quality content is in digital marketing, so why let an original piece of content be forgotten after it’s served its purpose?