Everything you ever wanted to know about PPC

From Ad Extensions to auctions, Data Studio to Dynamic Ads, our PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising team share their insights and expert knowledge.

What are bid adjustments, and how can they help my Adwords campaign?

A key mistake that businesses make when running AdWords campaigns is that they don’t consider the different contexts in which users click on their adverts, and therefore bid a flat rate for all of their clicks regardless of a number of variables which could make your bids cheaper and more expensive.

4 ways to make PPC work for your ecommerce business

Reports show that 41% of Google search results clicks go to the top 3 results, meaning that if you’re not in the top 3, potential sales are passing you by and going to your competitors.

4 reasons your business needs to be using Gmail ads

Gmail ads are an incredibly powerful PPC marketing tool, yet they remain hugely under used and under estimated. They’re incredibly targeted, relevant and cost effective, yet businesses consistently overlook the tool. Here’s 4 reasons:

5 new PPC features that changed the game

The ever-changing PPC world continues to live up to its reputation. From targeting, interface and 40% click through rates, Google has continued to keep AdWords users on their toes. Here’s our rundown of the top PPC changes and new features.

How to use YouTube effectively for marketing

YouTube has a lot to offer you as a marketing platform so you should be making the most of it. It is the second largest search engine in the world as well as having over a billion users, just to put that figure in perspective that is a third of all internet users.

Importance of measuring content marketing ROI

With more and more competition, online marketers are under record amounts of pressure to be heard. 2015, in particular, is proving to be an interesting, if not difficult year for online marketing. For the first time, mobile web viewing surpassed desktop web viewing last year, and social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have posed some serious threats to Google’s advertising revenue.