1st Floor, 19-20 Cornhill, Lincoln LN5 7HB
1st Floor, 19-20 Cornhill, Lincoln LN5 7HB
It may seem like we are all walking through treacle when it comes to business in 2022. The devastating effects of COVID-19 have not been undersold by any means, but it pays to be optimistic in business and therefore, marketing.
Getting a killer campaign out there that will get people talking or thinking about your brand is sometimes a dream that many never execute. But really, do you need to?
You’ll have all seen the Facebook rebrand this week. To differentiate between Facebook as a platform and the other brands that Mark Zuckerberg’s company owns, Instagram, WhatsApp and VR subsidiary Oculus, the company will now be called Meta.
These are used across many industries to make sure that the service or product being offered is meeting the goals set at the beginning of its fruition.
It’s been a tough year or so for businesses. The effects of COVID-19 have been undeniable both in terms of public health and for the economy. However, it’s been the ones that have adapted and reconvened to fit what some were calling ‘the new normal’ at the height of the pandemic that have done well.
Podcasts are a fantastic medium for any business to reach its customers. Even as a hobby, a podcast enables users to download and listen to an episode whenever they choose to. For businesses, they are highly trackable and measurable tools for engagement, marketing and perhaps sales and real revenue generation when done correctly.
Up until 1999, traditional marketing was the only method in spreading the message of a brand, through newspapers, radio and television.
Whenever we begin a working relationship with a client, one of the most important aspects is to understand their needs, and understand what we can do to help them.
When a project at Distract begins to come together, a significant part of the puzzle is PR. Working in the PR department as a Digital PR Executive, I’m always talking to a wide variety of journalists and companies to see how we can best paint a brand message in the best light.